Thermo PNK

Thermostable polynucleotide kinase Form: solution, concentration 10 U/µl.
Product Code:SizePriceQty
1016-50 500 U
    49,68 €


Thermo PNK is a recombined enzyme produced by the E.coli strain containing plasmid DNA with a cloned gene coding for a thermostable polynucleotide kinase from Pyrococcus woesei.

Enzyme catalyzes the transfer of the terminal phosphate group of ATP to the 5’-hydroxyl terminus of DNA or RNA. At low pH, Thermo PNK is also capable of removing of 3’-phosphates from RNA or DNA without altering their 5’ ends. Enzyme is thermostable and exhibits max acivity at 70-75 ˚C. The activity is 50% inhibited, when a concentration of salt ions exeeds 100 mM. The presence of dNTPs does not reduce the activity of the enzyme.

Thermo PNK